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when you’re gone all the colors fade
当你已离去,所有的颜色都开始褪去  detail>>
and when all hope is gone,
当所有的希望都破灭之时,别怕  detail>>
when you are gone
当你离开 当你离去的时候  detail>>
when all my hope is gone
你给了我希望  detail>>
when you’re gone it’s not forever
当你离去便没有了永远  detail>>
so when you feel like hope is gone
所以当你觉得失去希望  detail>>
when you want to e a star
当你想成明星  detail>>
when you feel all alone
当你感到孤单  detail>>
when you say nothing at all
当你不说话的时候 当你沉寞时 当你什么都没说 当你什么也不说 当你什麽都没说 当你说没有一切时 当你一点也不说 即使你一言不发)(...  detail>>
the colors fade completely
所有的色彩都黯然失色  detail>>
all the things you do, e back to you
你的付出,终究会得到回报  detail>>
and when you dreams all come true
当你的梦想慢慢实现  detail>>
say it best when you say nothing at all
此时无声胜有声  detail>>
when all you got is one thin dime
当你只剩下最后一枚硬币的时候  detail>>
when i want you and all your charms
当我想要你和你所有的风情万种  detail>>
all gone
消逝  detail>>
when trumpets fade
丛战英魂 雷霆战将 战鼓平息  detail>>
when trumpets fade 2
雷霆终结者2  detail>>